Special Rules:
1. All entries must be framed OR matted with hanging wire or string. Pieces will be turned down if not properly prepared.
2. NO wet paintings accepted
3. Previously shown articles may be on display only if space permits. Art for judging must be done within the last 2 years. Artwork must be deemed appropriate by the fair committee.
4. Artist signature must be blocked out. Name, address, and sale price may be on back of picture
5. Gallery for selling section will not be judged. Prices and names may be displayed in the section only. Pieces must stay until the close of the fair, Saturday at 6:00 p.m., unless artist is present.
6. No exhibit may be removed until after the close of the Fair, Saturday at 6:00 p.m. Articles removed before this time automatically forfeit any prize money won. Exhibitors will be responsible for collecting their material at the close of the Fair. Fair personnel will not be responsible for items left after closing time. Buildings close at 8:00 p.m.
Blue Ribbon – $5.00
Red Ribbon – $4.00
White Ribbon – $3.00
(These premiums stand for all classes, except Professional standings, which shall receive ribbons, but no premiums except for “Best of Show”)
Best of Show Professional – $25.00
Best of Show Amateur Adult – $25.00
Peoples Choice – $15.00
Class I-A
Oils, Oil Pastels, Acrylic,
Pastels (Limit 4 paintings)
Class II-A
Water Color, Gouache
Class III-A
Drawings, Pencil, Charcoal,
Ink, or Colored Pencil
1. Landscape, Seascape
2. Western Theme
3. Still Life / Genre
4. Animals, fish, birds, etc.
5. Portraits, Figures
6. Abstract
7. Fantasy, Cartoon,
Science Fiction
Class IV-A
Professional – Sculpture
1. Functional
2. Non-Functional
Class V-A
Professional – Graphics
1. Silk Screen
2. Etchings, Woodcuts
Class VI-A
ADULT Amateur
Oil, Acrylic, Oil Pastels, Pastels
Class VII-A
Adult Amateur
Water Color, Gouache
Class VIII-A
Adult Amateur
Drawing-Pencil, charcoal, ink,
chalk( Black & White or Color)
1. Landscape, Seascape
2. Western Theme
3. Still Life / Genre
4. Animals, fish, birds, etc.
5. Portraits, Figures
6. Abstract
7. Fantasy, Cartoon,
Science Fiction
Class IX
Adult Amateur-Sculpture
1. Functional
2. Non-functional
Class X-A
ADULT Amateur -Graphics
1. Silk screen
2. Etching, woodcuts
Class XI-A
Youth Amateur
Graphics (silk screen, pencil, wood cuts, etc)
Special Rules:
1. All artwork must be matted or framed and ready to hang. Matted artwork must have hook/Velcro on all four corners and ready to hang on carpet.
3. Work must have been done during the 2011-2012 school years, or the 2012 calendar year. Judges may award Rosette for best exhibit in each class, if merited.
4. Green participation ribbons will be given to pre-school to third-grade only.
The Chair has the right to reject any entry that is determined to be sadistic or pornographic.
One entry per lot, per person. No Group Entries.
Blue Ribbon $3.00
Red Ribbon $2.00
White Ribbon $1.00
Class XII-A
Pre-school Kindergarten
1. Drawings (Pen & Ink, or Pencil)
a. Portraits
b. Animals
c. Mechanical
d. Action
e. Fantasy
f. Still Life
g. Figures
h. Landscape
i. Any other
2. Drawings
(Colored Pencil, Crayon, etc)
a. Portraits
b. Animals
c. Mechanical
d. Action
e. Fantasy
f. Still Life
g. Figures
h. Landscape
i. Any other
Class XIII-A
First and Second Grades
class xiv-A
third and fourth grades
1. Drawings (Pen & Ink, or Pencil)
a. Portraits
b. Animals
c. Mechanical
d. Action
e. Fantasy
f. Still Life
g. Figures
h. Landscape
i. Any other
2. Drawings
(Colored Pencil, Crayon, etc)
a. Portraits
b. Animals
c. Mechanical
d. Action
e. Fantasy
f. Still Life
g. Figures
h. Landscape
i. Any other
3. Paintings
a. Portraits
b. Animals
c. Mechanical
d. Action
e. Fantasy
f. Still Life
g. Figures
h. Landscape
i. Any other
Class XV-A
Fifth and Sixth Grades
Class XVI-A
Junior High School –
Seventh and Eight Grades
Class XVII-A
High School
1. Oils, Acrylics, Oil Pastels and Pastels
a. Portraits
b. Animals
c. Mechanical
d. Action
e. Fantasy
f. Still Life
g. Figures
h. Landscape
i. Any other
2. Water Color
a. Portraits
b. Animals
c. Mechanical
d. Action
e. Fantasy
f. Still Life
g. Figures
h. Landscape
i. Any other
3. (Black & White)
a. Portraits
b. Animals
c. Mechanical
d. Action
e. Fantasy
f. Still Life
g. Figures
h. Landscape
i. Any other
4. (Colored)
a. Portraits
b. Animals
c. Mechanical
d. Action
e. Fantasy
f. Still Life
g. Figures
h. Landscape
i. Any other
5. Mosaics or Graphics
1. Pre-school
2. First through Fifth Grade
3. Sixth through Eighth Grade
4. High School
Class XIX-A
1. Pre-school
2. First through Fifth Grade
3. Sixth through Eighth Grade
4. High School
Special Rules:
1. Must be the work and property of the exhibitor.
2. All prints must be ready for hanging. Pictures should be framed and/or matted (matted only is preferred).
3. All entries must be in between 11:00am and 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday.
4. Only one entry per lot.
5. No more than ten entries per person
6. Entries may NOT be picked up before 6:00 p.m. on Saturday.
Blue Ribbon – $5.00, Red Ribbon – $4.00, White Ribbon – $3.00
Best of Show Junior Division – $15.00
Best of Show Adult Division – $25.00
Class I-B
Junior Division
13 and Under
Class II-B
Junior Division
14 to 17
Class III-B
ADULT 18 & over
Lot selections are the same for the above divisions.
1. Black & White
a. People, portraits
b. Pets, livestock,
c. Plants, flowers
d. Landscape, scenery
e. Manmade objects, structures, cars, etc.
f. Snow, water,
water features
g. Still life, creative settings, abstracts
h. Other
2. Color
a. Scenic
b. Portraits (Candid & posed)
c. Still Life & Creative Settings
d. Flowers
e. Pets
f. Wildlife
g. Western – Action-Cowboy – Rodeo, etc.
h. Sunset – Sunrise
i. Snow & Water
j. American- History-Buildings, etc.
k. Landscapes
l. Other
Class IV-B
Collection of Pictures
Special Rules:
This class allows for the entries of a collection of pictures such as photo albums, collages (more than one picture per frame), screens, etc. The rules are as follows:
1. All ages will compete together; no age group differences.
2. One entry per lot, per person.
3. Entries have to be anonymous; all names of exhibitors have to be covered or disguised in some manner.
4. Lot selections
a. Photo albums
b. Other
1. Photo Albums
2. Other
Special Rules
1. Submit articles to Apache County Library.
2. Only one entry per author per category.
3. Entries must be the sole work of the listed author. Only one prize per entry will be awarded.
4. Entries may be on any subject. Entries must be original and unpublished, or not accepted by a publisher at the time of submission.
5. Every entry will be read by the judges, and their decisions will be final.
6. Entries must be received at any Apache County Library no later than Wednesday, August 27, 2012.
7. Entries must be typewritten on one side of white, 8 ½ x 11 inch paper. Fiction and non-fiction articles must be double spaced. Entries from word processors are approved for submission if the printer produces a clear, easy to ready copy.
8. Name, address, phone number, category, class and lot number must be typed on a cover page only and not appear anywhere else on the manuscript. The title of the manuscript will appear on the cover page and on a title page that will be the first page of the manuscript.
9. No responsibility for manuscripts is assumed by either the Apache County Fair or the Apache County Library. Submit only clean, clear copies and retain the originals.
Blue Ribbons $5.00
Red Ribbons $4.00
White Ribbons $3.00
Best of Show Profession – $25.00 (Must be at least 10 entries)
Best of Show Amateur – $25.00 (Must be at least 10 entries)
Class I-B-A
Junior Division (Kindergarten through Seventh Grade)
Class II-B-A
Intermediate (Eighth through twelfth Grade)
Class III-B-A
Adult (Over 18)
1. Short story (no more than 20 double space pages)
2. Non-fiction article (no more than 20 double space pages)
3. Book length fiction or non-fiction
4. Rhyming poetry (no more than 26 lines)
5. Free verse poetry (no more than 26 lines)
Special Rules:
1. Open to non-professionals who handcraft for pleasure.
2. Exhibits must be bonafide property of exhibitor, including children.
3. Articles made from previously exhibited, may be accepted “for display only” if space permits.
4. Department personnel may re-classify any item to place it in proper class; also, will act as “jury” in accepting and placing items.
5. Kits and commercial deals (follow instructions) will be accepted in kit lot only.
6. Judge is instructed to remove any purchased item exhibited as original.
7. No exhibit may be removed until after the close of the Fair, Saturday at 6:00 p.m. Articles removed before that time automatically forfeit any prize money and ribbons. Exhibitors will be responsible for collecting their material at the close of the Fair. Fair personnel will not be responsible for items left after closing time. Buildings close at 7:00 p.m.
8. Judging Criteria from Decorated Eggs: A. The holes must be covered in some way. B. Must be adhered to a stand, except for hanging eggs. C. An original work as opposed to a copy. D. Elements must be proportionately compatible. E. Neatness and workmanship: a) No glue showing. b) Braid or bead must be abutted. c) Must retain egg shape. d) Colors must be harmonious. e) Must be pleasing to the eye. f) Stand/base must be compatible to the design and in proportion to the egg. g) No cracks on shell. h) Overall neatness.
9. Junior Crafts– Same Class and Lots as Adults- Adding Jr. to Class and listing exhibitor age.
Adult Division: Blue Ribbon $5.00, Red Ribbon – $4.00, White Ribbon – $3.00
Junior Division: Blue Ribbon $3.00, Red Ribbon $2.00, White Ribbon $1.00
Best of Show, Professional – $25.00 (Must be at least 10 entries)
Best of Show, Amateur – $25.00 (Must be at least 10 entries)
Class I-C
Adult Crafts
1. Handmade craft-functional
2. Handmade craft — decorated
fabric items
3. Boondoggle (Plastic lacing) item
4. Home decorative craft-handing
5. Home decorative draft-sitting
6. Leatherwork — small under 12 inches
7. Leatherwork — large over 12 inches
8. Jewelry — beaded
9. Jewelry — other
10. Woodwork – furniture
11. Woodwork — other
12. Woodcarving
13. Kits – any item
14. Macramé
15. Decoupage
16. Ceramics — glaze projects
l7. Ceramics — pattern design
18. Ceramics — free hand
19. Ceramics — luster, gold , decals
20. Ceramics — stains
21. Ceramics — airbrushing
22. Ceramics — seasonal
23 Plaster of Paris, painted or foiled
24. Seasonal Decorative — Christmas
25. Seasonal Decorative —Other
26. Stained glasswork
27. Baskets
28. Dried Arrangement
29. Pressed Flowers
30. F1owers, silk arrangement
31. Dolls — fabric
32. Dolls — porcelain
33. Dolls – other
34. Homemade doll clothes
35. Pottery item
36. Hand beaded article
37. Stenciled item
38. Latch hook item
39. Felt item
40. Plastic needlepoint, seasonal home decorative
41. Plastic canvas — functional
42. Gourd – carved
43. Gourd – painted
44. Rug- any type
45. Swags – all types
46 Sculptures — all types
47. Dream Catchers
48. Paper Mache
49. Decorated Egg – Beaded
50. Decorated Egg – Jeweled
51 Decorated Egg – Decoupage
52. Decorated Egg – Diozama or panorama
53. Decorated Egg – Filigree
54. Decorated Egg – Hand Painted
55. Decorated Egg – Etched or engraved
56. Decorated Egg – Fancy Cut Egg
57. Special Needs
58. Scrapbooking
Class II-C
Adult Tole Painting
1. Landscape
2. Florals – hanging or sitting
3. Seasonal
4. People – hanging or sitting
5. Fabric
6. Portrait
7. Animals – hanging or sitting
8. Special Needs
Class Ill-C
Junior Crafts
13 to 18 years
1. Dolls handmade
2. Home decorative craft, hanging
3. Home decorative craft, sitting
4. Leather work
5. Wood handcrafted or whittled
6. Woodwork — furniture
7. Kits, any item
8. Macramé
9. String Art
10. Decoupage
11. Paper Mache
12. Clay or ceramic item
13. Plaster of Paris item
14. Seasonal decorative craft
15. Dream Catchers
16. Beaded item
17. Handmade craft – made by a girl
18. Handmade craft – made by a boy
19 Tole painting
20. Craft any other
21. Special Needs
22. Scrapbooking
Class IV-C
Children 8 – 12 years
Class V-C
Children 5 to 7 years
1. Dolls — handmade
2. Woodwork or carving
3. Clay or ceramics
4. Kit, any item made by a boy
5. Kit, any item made by a girl
6. Teacher — help craft
7. String Art
8. Macramé
9. Decoupage
10. Paper Mache
11. Handmade craft –groups of 2 or more
12. Handmade craft — made by a boy
13. Handmade craft — made by a girl
14. Seasonal decorative craft
15. Dream catcher
16. Tole painting
17. Plaster of Paris
18. Craft any other
19. Leatherwork
20. Special Needs
21. Scrapbooking
Class VI-C
Preschool Children
1. Item made by exhibitor
2. Collection (4 or more pieces)
Class VII – C
1. Teenagers 13—18
2. Children 8—12
3. Children 5—7
4. Adult – items acquired by exhibitor
5. Special Needs
Class VIII-C Metal Work
Special Rules:
1. All entries must be entered and ready to judge as followed:
• Dairy Cattle, Sheep
and Swine, 4:00 p.m. Thursday
• Commercial Beef,
4:00 p.m. Thursday
• Registered Beef Cattle,
4:00 p.m. Thursday
2. We encourage all cattlemen to bring in their cattle on Thursday morning and leave them at the Fairgrounds until after they are judged.
3. No exhibitor may enter more than one entry in any lot, with the exception of Registered Beef.
Blue Ribbon – $100.00, Red Ribbon $80.00, White Ribbon $60.00, 4th Place Ribbon $40.00, 5th Place Ribbon $20.00.
Class I-D
Beef Cattle, Commercial Grade
Special Rules:
1. Entries shall be limited to one lot per brand per owner.
2. Pen classes are to be judged on conformation, quality and uniformity.
3. Classes may be divided at the discretion of the judge.
4. All commercial beef cattle in and ready to be judged by 9 a.m. Saturday.
5. An animal may be shown in one lot only.
1. Pen of 3 feeder steer calves (this year’s crop).
2. Pen of 3 heifer calves (this year’s crop).
3. Pen of 3 feeder steer yearlings (12-18 months).
4. Pen of 3 replacement heifer exotic (18 months or younger).
5. Pen of 3 replacement heifer English (18 months or younger).
6. Pair, Cow & Calf, exotic (1/2 premium).
7. Pair, Cow & Calf, English (1/2 premium).
8. Pen of 3 Bull calves (this year’s calf crop).
Class II-D
Beef Cattle – Registered
1. Dangerous animals will be refused by the Fair Commission unless satisfactory equipment and help is provided to handle them safely.
2. This call is open to all Arizona residents.
3. Awards: Blue Ribbon $50.00, Red Ribbon $40.00, White Ribbon $30.00
4. Registered Beef Cattle in and ready for judging at 10:30 a.m. Saturday
5. All exhibitors must present registration certificates to whomever it may concern.
6. When there are 2 or more entries of “exotic” breeding in any lot, a new lot may be created.
1. Senior Herd bulls (calved before June 30, 2010).
2. Senior Yrlg. bulls (calved from July 1 to Dec. 31, 2010).
3. Jr. Yrlg. bulls (calved from Jan. 1 to June 30, 2011).
4. Senior bull calves (calved from July 1 to Dec. 31, 2011).
5. Junior bull calves (calved from Jan. 1 to Aug. 31, 2012).
6. Grand and Reserve champion male (Rosette only).
7. Cow (calved before June 30, 2010).
8. Senior Yearling Heifers (calved from July 1 to Dec. 31, 2010).
9. Junior Yearling Heifers (calved from Jan. 31 to June 30, 2011).
10. Sr. Heifer calves (calved from July 1 to Dec. 31, 2011).
11. Junior Heifer calves (calved from Jan. 1 to Aug. 1, 2012).
12. Grand & Reserve champion female (Rosette only).
13. Senior Herd bulls (calved before June 30, 2010).
14. Senior Yrlg. bulls (calved from July 1 to Dec. 31, 2010).
15. Junior Yrlg. (calved from Jan. 1 to June 30, 2011).
16. Senior bull calves (calved from July 1 to Dec. 31, 2011).
17. Junior bulls calves (calved from Jan. 1 to Aug. 31, 2012).
18. Grand & Reserve champion male (Rosette only).
19. Cow (calved before June 30, 2010).
20. Senior Yearling Heifers (calved from July 1 to Dec. 31, 2010).
21. Junior Yearlings Heifers (calved from Jan. 31 to June 30, 2011).
22. Senior Heifer calves (calved from July 1 to Dec. 31, 2011).
23. Junior Heifer calves (calved from Jan. 1 to Aug. 1, 2012).
24. Grand & Reserve champion female (Rosette only).
25. Senior herd bulls (calved before June 30, 2010).
26. Senior Yrlg. bulls (calved from July 1 to Dec. 31, 2010).
27. Junior Yrlg. bulls (calved from Jan. 1 to July 30, 2011).
28. Senior bulls calves (calved from July 1 to Dec. 31, 2011).
29. Junior bull calves (calved from Jan. 1 to Aug. 31, 2012).
30. Grand & Reserve champion male (Rosette only).
31. Cow (calved before June 30, 2009).
32. Senior Yrlg. Heifers (calved from July 1 to Dec. 31, 2010).
33. Junior Yrlg. Heifers (calved from Jan. 31 to June 30, 2011).
34. Senior Heifer calves (calved from July 1 to Dec. 31, 2011).
35. Junior Heifer calves (calved from Jan. 1 to Aug. 1, 2012).
36. Grand & Reserve champion female (Rosette only).
Class III-D
Diary Cattle
Special Rules:
1. Open to cattle showing definite breed characteristics.
2. All dairy cattle must be ready for judging by 4:00 p.m. Thursday.
Blue Ribbon $30.00, Red Ribbon $25.00, White Ribbon $20.00
1. Senior Cow, 3 years and over.
2. Junior Cow, 1 to 2 years.
3. Heifer, under 1 year.
4. Best Bull.
1. Senior Cow, 3 years and over.
2. Junior Cow, 1 to 2 years.
3. Heifer, under 1 year.
4. Best Bull.
Special Rules:
1. One exhibit booth space of about eight (8) foot x eight (8) foot will be allowed for each school.
2. Each school exhibit may include the various school arts and crafts, social studies, etc., as desired.
3. The committee hopes to have a special Fair Representative from each school.
4. All school exhibits shall be in and recorded before 6 p.m. Wednesday.
Score Card-Possible Points
1. Public appeal -10
2. Originality -10
3. Quality -10
4. Portrayal of theme idea -10
5. Representation of total
school – 10
Blue Ribbon $40.00, Red Ribbon $30.00, White Ribbon $20.00
1. Primary School K-5
2. Middle School 6-8
3. High School 9-12
Grand Champion Rosette for the person earning the most placing points; (Blue 3; Red 2; White 1) in Field Crops, vegetables, fruits and pasture grasses.
Special Rules:
1. Field crops should include 6 stalks, 6 heads, or 6 ears as case may be, unless otherwise noted.
2. Crop seeds must be exhibited in a 2 quart bottle.
3. Sheaves should not be less than 4 inches, not more than 5 inches in diameter at the base. Stalks should be full height, tied with string.
4. Heads must have stems neither more nor less than 4 inches long and they are not to be tied.
PREMIUMS (Adult Division)
Blue Ribbon $5.00
Red Ribbon $4.00
White Ribbon $3.00
Best of Show Junior Division – $15.00
Best of Show Adult Division – $25.00
Class I-F
Field Crops
1. Alfalfa, 1 bale
2. Alfalfa, 1 sheaf
3. Grass, 1 bale
4. Mixed, 1 bale
5. Oats, 1 bale
6. Sudan, 1 bale
7. Other, 1 bale
8. Barley, Beardless, seed
9. Barley, Bearded, sheaf
10. Barley, any variety, seed
11. Barley, any variety, sheaf
12. Wheat, any variety, seed
13. Wheat, any variety, sheaf
14. Potatoes, white, plate of 5
15. Potatoes, red, plate of 5
16. Indian Corn, braided husks-
6 ears (please specify)
17. Popcorn, rice, 6 ears
18. Popcorn, other, 6 ears
19. Corn, any shelled, 2 qts.
20. Corn, Yellow Dent,
ears, shucked
21. Sweet Corn, dry ears, shucked
22. Any other Field Corn,
ears, shucked
23. Any Silage Corn, stalks
24. Black eye peas
25. Any Field Peas
26. Beans, Pinto
27. Beans, Pink
28. Beans, Any Other
29. Grain Sorghums, heads
30. Forage, Sorghums, stalks
31. Sudan Grass, sheaf
32. Can, stalks
33. Any Sorghum, Seed, 2 qts.
Class II-F
Fruit – 5 pieces to place unless otherwise noted.
1. Apples, Crab any variety
2. Apples, Delicious, Red
3. Apples, Delicious, Double Red
4. Apples, Delicious, Golden
5. Apples, Grimes Golden
6. Apples, Jonathon
7. Apples, Macintosh
8. Apples, Pippin
9. Apples, Prune
10. Apples, Rome Beauty
11. Apples, Red Rome Beauty
12. Apples, Winesap,
New Commercial
13. Apples, Winesap,
Old Fashioned
14. Apples, Winesap, Staymans
15. Apples, Any Summer variety
16. Apples, Any other variety
17. Apples, Commercial Pack,
full box
18. Grapes, Caco, 3 bunches
19. Grapes, Concord, 3 bunches
20. Grapes, Golden Muscat,
3 bunches
21.Grapes, Himrod or Interlake
Seedless, 3 bunches
22. Grapes, Nigra
(White Concord) 3 bunches
23. Grapes, Thompson Seedless,
3 bunches
24. Grapes, Any other variety,
3 bunches
25. Pears, Anjou
26. Pears, Bartlett
27. Pears, Keiffer
28. Pears, Winter Bartlett
29. Pears, Lincoln
30. Pears, Any other variety
31. Peaches, Elberta
32. Peaches, Hale
33. Peaches, Any Clingstone
34. Peaches, Any other variety
35. Plums, Any variety
36. Strawberries, Any variety,
1 pint
37. Any Other Berries – 1 pint
Class III-F
1. Beans, Green, 1 quart
2. Beets, Pickling, 5 with tops
cut to 3 inches
3. Beets slicing, 5 with tops
cut to 3 inches
4. Broccoli, 1 pound bunch
5. Cabbage, Flat, 1 head
6. Cabbage, Red, 1 head
7. Cabbage, Round, 1 head
8. Cabbage, Pointed, 1 head
9. Carrots, long type, 5 to a bunch
10. Carrots, half long,
5 to a bunch
11. Carrots, ox, heart,
5 to a bunch
12. Cantaloupe, 1
13. Casaba, 1
14. Cauliflower, 1 head
15. Celery, 1 stalk
16. Chili, Red, String 4 ft.
closely strung
17. Chili, Green, String
4 ft. closely strung
18. Chili, Green, Mexican type,
plate of 5
19. Chili, Green, Other, plate of 5
20. Chili, Red, Mexican type,
plate of 5
21. Chili, red, other, plate of 5
22. Chili, Anaheim, red, plate of 5
23. Chili, Anaheim, green,
plate of 5
24. Chili, Jalapeno, red, plate of 5
25. Chili, Jalapeno, green,
plate of 5
26. Corn, green, sweet,
6 ears shucked
27. Cucumbers, pickling,
6 to a plate
28. Cucumbers, slicing,
3 to a plate
29. Cucumbers, Armenian, 1
30. Cucumbers, Burpless, 1
31. Cucumbers, Lemon,
3 to a plate
32. Dill, 1 head
33. Eggplant, 1
34. Garlic, plate of 5
35. Gourds, plate of 5
36. Herb collection.
37. Honeydew, 1
38. Kohlrabi, 5 with tops
cut to 3 inches
39. Lettuce, 1 head
40. Lettuce, leaf type, bunch
41. Okra, plate of 5
42. Onions, any yellow variety, 5
43. Onions, any white variety, 5
44. Onions, red, 5
45. Onions, brown, 5
46. Onions, green table
bunch of 10
47. Parsley, bunch
48. Parsnips, 5 with tips cut to
3 inches
49. Peanut Plant, 1
50. Peanuts in pods, 1 quart
51. Peas, green, in pods, 1 quart
52. Peppers, bell, green, plate of 5
53. Peppers, bell, red, plate of 5
54. Peppers, any other, plate of 5
55. Peppers, cherry, green,
plate of 5
56. Peppers, cherry, red, plate of 5
57. Peppers, Italian, plate of 5
58. Peppers, pimento, green,
plate of 5
59. Peppers, pimento, red,
plate of 5
60. Peppers, yellow banana,
plate of 5
61. Peppers, yellow hot, plate of 5
62. Pumpkin, pie, with stem
63. Pumpkin, field, with stem
64. Pumpkin, Miniature, 1
65. Pumpkin, largest
66. Rutabaga, 3 without tops
67. Squash, summer,
white scalloped, 3
68. Squash, summer, zucchini, 3
69. Squash, summer,
yellow crookneck, 3
70. Squash, summer,
yellow, straightneck, 3
71. Squash, Cashew, 1
72. Squash, Banana, 1 blue
73. Squash, Banana, 1 pink
74. Squash, Butternut, 1
75. Squash, Buttercup, 1
76. Squash, Hubbard, green, 1
77. Squash, Hubbard, golden, 1
78. Squash, Hubbard, blue, 1
79. Squash, Table Queen, 1
80. Squash, Vegetable Spaghetti, 1
81. Squash, Zucchini, Mature, 1
82. Squash, any other variety,
winter, 1
83. Squash, heaviest
84. Sunflower, 1 head
85. Sunflower, seed, 1 quart
86. Swiss Chard, 1 bunch
87. Tomatoes, Italian, green,
with stems, plate of 5
88. Tomatoes, Italian, red ripe,
without stems, plate of 5
89. Tomatoes, green, with stems,
5 per plate
90. Tomatoes, red ripe,
without stems, 5 per plate
91. Tomatoes, Miniature, red
without stems, 10 per plate
92. Tomatoes, Miniature, green
with stems, 10 per plate
93. Tomatoes, Miniature, yellow
without stems, 10 per plate
94. Tomatoes, ripe/yellow,
without stems, 5 per plate
95. Turnips, 5 with tops cut to
3 inches
96. Watermelon, round, green, 1
97. Watermelon, long, striped, 1
98. Watermelon, round, striped, 1
99. Watermelon, long, green, 1
100. Watermelon, Sugarbaby, 1
101. Watermelon, other, 1
Special Rules:
1. Age limit on Junior Field Crops, Fruits & Vegetables Junior Division is 17 and under years of age by Fair Date.
2. Entries will be limited to one entry per person, per lot number.
3. All entries must have been grown by the exhibitor.
4. Duplicate Lots as listed in Open Class, Senior Division and add the term “Junior” to the number.
PREMIUMS (Junior Division)
Blue Ribbon $3.00, Red Ribbon $2.00, White Ribbon $1.00
Best of Show Junior Division – $15.00
Special Rules:
1. No exhibitor may enter more than one entry in any one lot.
2. Grass entries must be collected by the exhibitor.
3. Grasses shall be tied in sheaves 2 to 3 inches in diameter. Exhibitors are encouraged to trim bottoms of sheaves and tie them with one, two or three ties depending on the length of the specimen. Neatness of the sheaf helps to display quality of entry.
4. Entries shall be judged on general vigor and thriftiness. Leaf quality and seed head quality will be considered.
5. Forage potential of entry will be an important consideration.
PREMIUM (Pasture Grass Division)
Blue Ribbon $5.00, Red Ribbon $4.00, White Ribbon $3.00
Class IV-F
Native Grass
1. Grama, Black
2. Grama, Blue
3. Grama, Side-Oats
4. Galleta
5. Sacaton
6. Vine Mesquite
7. Wolftail
8. Sand Dropseed
9. Spike Dropseed
10. Indian Rice Grass
11. Needle and Thread
12. Spike Muhley
13. Arizona Fescue
14. Mountain Muhley
15. Pine Dropseed
16. June Grass
17. Maidenhair Grass
18. Western Wheatgrass
19. Any other Range Grass
Class V-F
Introduced Grasses
1. Pubescent Wheat
2. Intermediate Wheat
3. Crested Wheat
4. Tall Wheat
5. Orchard Grass
6. Smooth Brome
7. Tall Fescue
8. Improved Pasture Mixture
9. Any other introduced grass
Special Rules:
1. All potted plants must have been grown by the exhibitor.
2. Entries will be limited to one per lot, from each garden.
3. Best of Show Exhibitor to be person with highest point total (Blue ribbon 3 pts, Red ribbon, 2 pts., White ribbon 1 pt.)
PREMIUMS (Adult Division)
Blue Ribbon $5.00
Red Ribbon $4.00
White Ribbon $3.00
Best of Show Junior Division – $15.00
Best of Show Adult Division – $25.00
Class I-G
Fresh Garden Flowers –
Senior Division
1. Agertum, 3 stems
2. African Daisy, 3 stems
3. Algasom
4. Asters, 3 stems, one color
5. Asters, Pompon, 3 stems,
one color
6. Aster, Hardy, 3 stems
7. Bachelor’s Button, 3 stems,
one color
8. Balloon Flower, 3 stems
9. Bells of Ireland, 3 stems
10. Calendulas, Orange, 3 stems
11. Calendulas, Yellow, 3 stems
12. Carnations, 3 stems, one color
13. Carnations, 3 stems, by-color
14. Chrysanthemum, Pompon,
3 stems, one color
15. Chrysanthemum, Cushion,
3 stems, one color
16. Chrysanthemum, any other,
3 stems, one color
17. Chrysanthemum, single
18. Cosmos, Orange, 3 stems
19. Cosmos, Pink, 3 stems
20. Cosmos, Red, 3 stems
21. Cosmos, White, 3 stems
22. Dahlias, Formal, light, 3 stems
23. Dahlas, Formal, dark, 3 stems
24. Dahlias, Bicolor, 3 stems,
one variety
25. Dahlias, Cactus, 3 stems
26. Dahlias, Ball Type, 3 stems
27. Dahlias, Most varieties in
one collection
28. Dahlias, Most attractive
arrangement in a basket
29. Delphinium, 1 stem
30. Gaillardia, double, 3 stem
31. Gaillardia, single, 3 stems
32. Gladiolus, best specimen,
1 stem
33. Gladiolus, mixed, 3 stems
34. Gladiolus, one color, 3 stems
35. Gladiolus, bi-color, 3 stems
36. Gloriosa, Daisy, 3 stems
37. Hollyhocks, single, mixed or
one color
38. Hollyhocks, double, mixed or
one color
39. Marigold large, Orange,
3 stems
40. Marigold, large, Yellow,
3 stems
41. Marigold, small double,
Orange 3 stems
42. Marigold, small double,
Yellow 3 stems
43. Marigold, single, Yellow,
3 stems
44. Marigold, single, Orange,
3 stems
45. Marigold, Reddest, 3 stems
46. Marigold, most Orange,
3 stems
47. Nasturtium, Red, 3 stems
48. Nasturtium, Orange, 3 stems
49. Nasturtium, Yellow, 3 stems
50. Painted Daisy, 3 stems
51. Pansies, 3 stems
52. Petunia, one color, 3 stems
53. Petunia, one color, double,
3 stems
54. Petunia, one color, ruffled,
3 stems
55. Petunia, bi-color, 3 stems
56. Petunia, bi-color, double,
3 stems
57. Phlox, Perennial, 1 stem
58. Phlox, Annual, 1 stem
59. Pinks, Dianthus, 3 stems
60. Poppies, California, 3 stems
61. Poppies, Oriental, 3 stems
62. Rose, Floribunda, 1 stem
63. Rose Hybrid tea, one color,
3 stems
64. Rose, Hybrid Tea, mixed,
3 stems
65. Rose, miniature, mixed or
one color, 3 stems
66. Rose, and other, 3 stems
67. Shasta Daisy, single, 3 stems
68. Shasta Daisy, double 3 stems
69. Sheflera, 3 stems
70. Snapdragon, one color,
3 stems
71. Snapdragon, mixed, 3 stems
72. Snapdragon, double ruffle,
3 stems
73. Sweet Peas, one color, 3 stems
74. Sweet Peas, mixed, 6 stems
75. Sweet William, one color,
1 stem
76. Sweet William, bi-color,
1 stem
77. Verbena, 3 stems
78. Viola, 3 stems
79. Zinnia, large, one color,
3 stems
80. Zinnia, large, mixed, 3 stems
81. Zinnia, large, cactus type,
3 stems
82. Zinnia, Pompon, one type,
one color, 3 stems
83. Zinnia, Pompon, one type,
mixed, 3 stems
84. Any other flower, Annual
85. Any other flower, Perennial
86. Shrub, Pyracantha, 1 spray
87. Shrub, any other, flowered
88. Shrub, any other, berry
Class II-G
Bouquets & Flower Arrangements
1. Mixed Bouquet, Miniature, 3 inches or under
2. Mixed, Bouquet, Low, under 6 inches
3. Mixed Bouquet, Tall, over 6 inches
4. Old Fashioned Bouquet
5. Mixed Bouquet or Arrangement of Native Flowers or Material
6. Bouquet Centerpiece
7. Novelty Bouquet
Class III-G
Potted Plants
1. African Violets
2. Aloe Vera
3. Begonia, Angel Wing
4. Begonia, Tuberose
5. Begonia, Any Other
6. Cactus, Single plant
7. Succulent plant
8. Cactus, Christmas
9. Coleus
10. Croton
11. Fern
12. Fuchsia
13. Geranium
14. Gloxinia
15. Jade
16. Philodendron, Bush
17. Philodendron, Split leaf
18. Philodendron, Trailing
19. Philodendron, Any Other
20. Pothos (Scindapsus)
21. Prayer Plant
22. Rubber Plant
23. Sansevieria (snake plant)
24. Dish Garden
25. Wandering Jew
26. Creeping Charlie
27. Peperomia
28. Palms
29. Ivy
30. Dracaena
31. Dieffenbachia
32. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum)
33. Carnivorous Plant
34. Hanging Plant
35. Hanging Baskets
36. Indoor tree
37. Terrariums
38. Umbrella Tree
39. Topiary
40. Bonsai
41. Any Other potted plant
42. Creative container or pot
Class IV-G
Veggie Critters – Junior Division
1. Most Original
2. Best Dressed
3. Funniest
4. Scariest
5. Best of Show
Floriculture – Junior Division
Special Rules:
1. Age limit on Junior Floriculture Dept is 17 and under years of age by Fair Date.
2. Entries will be limited to one entry per person, per lot number.
3. All potted plants must have been grown by the exhibitor.
4. Duplicate Lots as listed in Open Class, Senior Division and add the term “Junior” to the number.
PREMIUMS (Junior Division)
Blue Ribbon $3.00, Red Ribbon $2.00, White Ribbon $1.00.
Department I-A Adult Home Economics
Special Rules
2. If you have something that doesn’t appear to be listed, or have a question, bring it with you at entry time. There may be a category to enter it in.
3. Please bring clothing on hangers.
4. One entry per person, per lot number.
5. Entries should have been completed since the previous year’s fair.
6. An entry can only be entered and judged once, but may be displayed in the future.
7. Judges may disqualify soiled entries.
8. “Over 70” division is to be noted on each entry card and entry form.
9. Fair personnel will not be responsible for loss or damage, but all possible precautions will be taken to ensure safety.
10. No exhibit may be removed before 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. Removal prior forfeits ribbons and prize money. Fair personnel not responsible for any entries left after 7:00 p.m. at the close of the fair.
PREMIUM (Adult Division)
Blue Ribbon $5.00
Red Ribbon $4.00
White Ribbon $3.00
Best of Show Adult Division – $25.00
Class I-I-A
Class II-I-A
Class III-I-A
Other than Cotton or Wool
All lots apply to the three classes listed above.
1. Infant’s nightwear
2. Infant’s layette
3. Infant’s dress
4. Infant’s suit
5. Infant’s shirt
6. Infant’s pants
7. Infant’s shorts
8. Christening or blessing dress
9. Christening or blessing suit
10. Girl’s T shirt
11. Boy’s T shirt
12. Girl’s shorts
13. Boy’s shorts
14. Girl’s blouse
15. Girl’s pants
16. Boy’s shirt
17. Boy’s pants
18. Boy’s suit, lined
19. Boy’s suit, unlined
20. Girl’s dress, casual
21. Girl’s dress, fancy
22. Girl’s ensemble, min.
2 pieces, max, 5 pieces
23. Boy’s ensemble, min.
2 pieces, max, 5 pieces
24. Girl’s jeans
25. Boy’s jeans
26. Girl’s western shirt
27. Boy’s western shirt
28. Child’s Robe
a. Boy
b. Girl
29. Child’s sleepwear
a. Boy
b. Girl
30. Child’s skirt
31. Child’s shorts
32. Child’s jump suit
33. Child’s coat or jacket
34. Child’s sweatshirt
35. Child’s sweatpants
36. Child’s remade clothing
37. Child’s vest
38. Child’s, any other
39. Woman’s lingerie
40. Woman’s nightgown
41. Woman’s pajamas
42. Woman’s robe
43. Man’s night shirt
44. Man’s robe
45. Man’s shorts
46. Woman’s T shirt
47. Man’s T shirt
48. Woman’s shorts
49. Woman’s blouse, casual
50. Woman’s blouse, fancy
51. Woman’s shirt, western
52. Man’s shirt, casual
53. Man’s shirt, fancy
54. Man’s shirt, western
55. Vest, adult
56. Woman’s pants, casual
57. Woman’s pants, dressy
58. Man’s pants, casual
59. Man’s pants, dressy
60. Woman’s suit, unlined
61. Woman’s suit, lined
62. Man’s suit
63. Woman’s skirt, casual
a. Short
b. Long
64. Woman’s skirt, fancy
a. Short
b. Long
65. Woman’s jumper
66. Woman’s dress, short, casual
67. Woman’s dress, short, fancy
68. Woman’s dress, long, casual
69. Woman’s dress, long, fancy
70. Woman’s dress, semi-formal
71. Woman’s dress, formal
72. Woman’s dress, lined
73. Wedding dress
74. Man’s formal wear
75. Woman’s coat
76. Man’s coat
77. Woman’s sweatshirt
78. Woman’s sweatpants
79. Man’s sweatshirt
80. Man’s sweatpants
81. Ensemble, min 2 pieces
82. Smocked item, child’s
83. Smocked item, adult’s
84. Restructured clothing
85. Apron
86. Any other, Original design
87. Veil
88. Hat, casual
89. Hat, fancy
90. Doll clothes
91. Any other
92. Scrubtop
Special Rules:
1. One entry per person, per lot.
2. Entries should have been completed since the previous year’s fair.
3. Worn, soiled, or poor quality may be disqualified by Chairperson/Judge.
4. “Over 70” division should be listed on the entry form and individual tags.
5. Fair personnel will not be responsible for loss and damage, but will take all possible precautions to ensure safety.
6. No exhibit may be removed until after the close of the fair, Saturday at 6:00 p.m. Articles removed before this time automatically forfeit any ribbons and prize money. The fair personnel are not responsible for any entries not removed by 7:00 p.m. on Saturday.
Class I-I-B
Quilts and Comforters
1. Machine pieced-machine
2. Machine pieced-hand quilted
3. Machine pieced-tied
4. Hand pieced-hand quilted
5. Hand pieced-machine quilted
6. Hand appliquéd-hand quilted
7. Machine appliquéd-hand
8. Hand appliquéd-machine
9. Machine appliquéd-machine quilted
10. Combination hand appliquéd
& pieced
11. Combination machine appliquéd
& pieced
12. Original design-pieced
13. Original design-appliquéd
14. Original design-painted or
15. Pictorial
16. Embroidered
17. Kits – machine quilted
18. Kits – hand quilted
19. Miniatures
20. Baby Quilt – appliquéd
21. Baby Quilt – pieced-hand
22. Baby Quilt – machine pieced-
hand quilted
23. Baby Quilt – embroidered
24. Baby Quilt – tied – pieced
25. Baby Quilt – Whole cloth tied
26. Baby Quilt – Original design
27. Whole Cloth hand quilted
28. Whole Cloth tied
29. Wall Hanging – pieced
30. Wall Hanging – machine
31. Wall Hanging – hand
32. Wall Hanging – pieced-
machine quilted
33. Jackets or Coats
34. Vests
35. Shirts or Blouses
36. Fashion Accessories
37. Household Articles
38. Other than Classified
39. Quilted by a group
40. Wool Appliquéd
41. Special Needs
Class II-I-B
1. Tablecloth
2. Bedspread (larger than 60” x 70”)
3. Centerpiece (10 inches and over)
4. Doilies (under 10 inches)
5. Table Runner
6. Crochet Filet – small
7. Crochet Filet – large
8. Place Mats (Set)
9. Household accessories
10. Edgings and insertions
11. Pot holder or hot plate mat
(Minimum of 2)
12. Poncho
13. Shawl or Stole
14. Sweater, adult
15. Sweater, child
16. Vest
17. Slippers
18. Gloves or mittens
19. Hat, cap or beret
20. Bag or Purse
21. Child’s Dress
22. Crochet garment, 100% wool
23. Fashion accessories
24. Afghan, crocheted
25. Afghan, afghan stitch
26. Afghan, broomstick
27. Afghan, hairpin lace
28. Afghan, granny square
29. Afghan, embroidered
30. Afghan, raised flower
31. Afghan, ripple or ric rac
32. Afghan, Navajo or seed corn
33. Baby Afghan
34. Baby set
35. Booties
36. Baby’s dress
37. Baby sweater
38. Crochet Rug – small
39. Crochet Rug – large
40. String Crocheting
a. yarn
b. string
41. Any item other than classified
42. Special Needs
Class III-I-B
1. Sweater, lady’s cardigan
2. Sweater, lady’s pullover
3. Sweater, men’s cardigan
4. Sweater, men’s pullover
5. Sweater, child’s cardigan
6. Sweater, child’s pullover
7. Poncho or cape
8. Ski Sweater, 100% wool
9. Mittens or gloves
10. Vest
11. Shawl or stole
12. Ski hat
13. Slippers or bed socks
14. Child’s dress
15. Doily (over 8 inches)
16. Afghan, plain
17. Afghan, fancy
18. Household article
19. Toy
20. Doll Wardrobe
21. Baby Afghan
22. Baby Set
23. Booties
24. Baby’s dress
25. Baby sweater
26. Any item other than classified
27. Special Needs
Class IV-I-B
Machine embroidered Lot 1-4 and 7
1. Embroidered pillow case set
2. Embroidered tablecloth
3. Embroidered tea towels
4. Embroidered picture or
wall hanging
5. Brazilian embroidery
6. Beaded item
7. Embroidery, other than
8. Cross stitch picture
9. Cross stitch pillow case set
10. Cross stitch tablecloth
11. Cross stitch sampled
12. Cross stitch, other than
13. Counted cross stitch picture
or wall hanging
(under 8 inches)
14. Counted cross stitch picture or
wall hanging (over 8 inches)
15. Counted cross stitch, other
than classified
16. Needlepoint picture or wall
17. Needlepoint, bargello
18. Needlepoint, pettipoint
19. Needlepoint, original design
20. Needlepoint, other than
21. Huck waving, any item
22. Tatting, any item
23. Cutwork, any item
24. Hardanger, dresser scarf
25. Hardanger, centerpiece
26. Hardanger, other than
27. Trapunto, any item
28. Crewel, picture or wall
29. Crewel, on clothing
30. Crewel, original design
31. Crewel, other than classified
32. Needlework, grouping of
2 or more, larger than 5” x 7”
33. Needlework, grouping of
2 or more, small than 5” x 7”
34. Needlework, other than
35. Special Needs
Class V-I-B
1. Crocheted
2. Embroidered
3. Embroidered in
combination stitch
4. Needlepoint
5. Cross Stitch
6. Counted Cross stitch
7. Crewel embroidery
8. Ribbon
9. Quilted cotton
10. Appliquéd quilted
11. Shadow quilted
12. French Lace sewing
13. Smocked
14. Knitted
15. Original design
16. Fancy
17. Other than classified
18. Special Needs
Class VI-I-B
Miscellaneous and Bazaar Items
1. Stuffed Toy
2. Purse or Tote Bag
3. Christmas wall hanging
4. Christmas ornaments (minimum 2)
5. Christmas tree skirt
6. Christmas stocking
7. Christmas wreath
8. Christmas centerpiece
9. Christmas item other than classified
10. Smocking, any garment
11. Doll, stuffed
12. Doll, dressed
13. Doll Clothes
14. Christmas toy
15. Woven rug
16. Woven article
17. Any item other than classified
18. Special Needs
Special Rules:
1. Only one entry per person, per lot.
2. All baked goods must be in a plastic bag, either tie or zip closed.
3. No entries may be removed prior to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, or all ribbons and prize money will be forfeited.
4. All entries must be picked up by 7:00 p.m. on Saturday.
Class I-J
Breads, etc. (No Boxed Mixes)
1. White Bread, one loaf
2. Whole Wheat Bread, one loaf (mixed white/wheat flour)
3. 100% Whole Wheat, one loaf
4. Yeast Bread, Fancy, one
(loaf, ring, etc.)
5. Yeast Bread, French
(loaf or baguette)
6. Yeast Bread, Artisan one loaf
7. Sourdough Bread, one loaf
8. Yeast Bread, any other
9. Yeast Rolls, plate of five
10. Yeast Rolls, Fancy,
plate of five
11. Whole Wheat Rolls, plate of
five (mixed white/wheat flour)
12. 100% Whole Wheat rolls,
plate of five
13. Cinnamon Rolls, plate of five,
14. Pecan Rolls, plate of five
15. Butterscotch Rolls,
plate of five
16. Fancy Rolls, any other,
plate of five
17. Quick Bread, Zucchini,
one loaf,
18. Quick Bread, Banana,
one loaf,
19. Quick Bread, Any Other,
one loaf
20. Quick Bread, one loaf,
(mixture of flours/bran)
21. Cornbread, plate of five pieces
22. Mexican Cornbread,
plate of five pieces
23. Corn muffins/sticks,
plate of five pieces
24. Bagels, plate of five
25. Croissants, plate of five
26. Popovers, plate of five
27. Cake Doughnuts, plate of five
28. Raised Doughnuts,
plate of five
29. Muffins,
(spice, chocolate, etc.),
plate of five
30. Muffins, fruited, plate of five
31. Baking Powder Biscuits,
plate of five
32. Baking Powder Biscuits,
seasoned, plate of five
33. Dutch Oven Biscuits
34. Sourdough Biscuits,
plate of five
35. Sopas, (fry bread),
plate of five
36. Flour Tortillas, plate of five
37. Corn Tortillas, plate of five
38. Coffee Cake, Yeast
39. Coffee Cake, Any other
Class II – J
Bread Machine Products (No Boxed Mixes)
1. White Bread, one loaf
2. 100% Whole Wheat Bread,
one loaf
3. Whole Wheat Bread, mixed
flours, one loaf
4. Sourdough Bread, one loaf
5. Herb Bread, one loaf
6. Vegetable Bread, one loaf
Class III – J
Cakes (No Boxed Mixes)
(All cakes iced – Not judged on icing)
1. Angel Food Cake
2. Devil’s Food Cake
3. Chocolate Cake
4. White Cake
5. Spice Cake
6. Chiffon Cake
7. Sponge Cake
8. Apple/Applesauce Cake
9. Fruit Cake
10. Cupcakes, plate of five
11. Cake, Any other
12. Fancy Decorated Cake, Judged on decoration only
Class IV–J
Cookies (Must be plates of five)
1. Oatmeal Cookies
2. Chocolate Chip Cookies
3. Sugar Cookies
4. Peanut Butter Cookies
5. Filled Cookies
6. Fruit Cookies
7. Slice and Bake Cookies
8. Fancy Cookies
9. White Chocolate/Macadamia
10. Missouri Cookies (No bake)
11. Brownies
12. Caramel Brownies
13. Bar Cookies
14. Spice Cookies
15. Decorated Cookies
Class V-J
Pies (No Cream Pies)
1. Apple Pie
2. Cherry Pie
3. Berry Pie
4. Peach Pie
5. Apricot Pie
6. Strawberry Pie
7. Rhubarb Pie
8. Fruit Tarts, plate of five
9. Fruit Empanadas
10. Mincemeat
11. Pie, Any Other
12. Dutch Oven Cobbler, Peach
13. Dutch Oven Cobbler, Berry
14. Dutch Oven Cobbler,
Mixed Fruit
15. Any other
Class VI – J
Homemade Candies
(Must be plates of 6 pieces)
1. Taffy
2. Fudge
3. Fudge, Marshmallow
4. Divinity
5. Panocha
6. Peanut Brittle
7. Toffee
8. Caramels
9. Suckers
10. Mints
11. Dipped Chocolates
12. Candy, Any other
Class VII – J
Miscellaneous Foods
1. Holiday Bread
2. Baked item with any vegetables
3. Food Art
4. Baked Foods for Kids,
plate of five
5. Popcorn, one bag
6. Popcorn Balls, plate of five
Class VIII-J
Dried Foods – Must Be Plates of 6 Pieces
1. Apples
2. Bananas
3. Tomatoes
4. Onions
5. Grapes
6. Fruit Leather, any kind
7. Beef Jerky
8. Jerky, any other
9. Any other dried food
Special Rules:
1. Canned Fruits, Vegetables, Meats, etc. will be judged according to the following:
2. Only one entry per person/per household, per lot number.
3. Appearance: Container is clean, standard canning jar, neat label, new lids/rings (not rusty),
Outside of jar not sticky, greasy, etc, and very clean.
4. Standard Canning Jar NOT MANDATORY for jams, jellies, preserves and vinegar products.
5. Pack: Full, but proper head space, attractive, no blemishes, uniform pieces.
6. Liquid: Liquid clear, proper amount of liquid for food. Meats are clear and jellied.
7. All entries should be labeled as follows: Name of food, date processed, processing method only fruits, vegetables, meats, etc.
8. Jars will not be opened unless absolutely necessary and with the Chair person’s permission.
9. Dehydrated Fruits and Vegetables= 1 cup in ½ pint Jam or Jelly jar.
10. Dehydrated Herbs = 2 tablespoons/ ¼ cup in snack size zip baggie.
11. All entries must have been obtained and processed since previous year’s fair.
Class I-J-A
Canned Fruit
1. Apples
2. Applesauce
3. Apricots
4. Cherries, Sweet
5. Cherries, Pie
6. Grapes
7. Peaches, Halves
8. Peaches, Sliced
9. Pears
10. Plums
11. Plums, Wild
12. Fruit Cocktail
13. Fruit, Any other
14. Currants
15. Apple Pie Filling
16. Cherry Pie Filling
17. Mincemeat Pie Filling
18. Pie Filling, Any Other
Class II-J-A
Canned Vegetables
1. String Beans
2. Beets
3. Carrots
4. Corn
5. Cream Corn
6. Greens
7. Sauerkraut
8. Tomatoes
9. Stewed Tomatoes
10. Pinto Beans
11. Chili Beans
12. Peas
13. Okra
14. Black Eyed Peas
15. White Beans
16. Lima Beans
17. Butter Beans
18. Beans, Any Other
19. Any other
Class III-J-A
Canned Meats and Fowl
1. Chicken, plain
2. Chicken, recipe
3. Pork, plain
4. Pork, recipe
5. Beef, plain
6. Beef, recipe
7. Wild Game
8. Fish
Class IV-J-A
Jams, Jellies and Preserves
(Jars must be sealed, no wax)
1. Apple Butter
2. Fruit Butter, Any Other
3. Apricot Jam
4. Strawberry Jam
5. Peach Jam
6. Plum Jam
7. Raspberry Jam
8. Pear Jam
9. Cherry Jam
10. Currant Jelly
11. Elderberry Jelly
12. Grape Jelly
13. Plum Jelly
14. Cactus Jelly
15. Berry Jelly
16. Jelly, Any Other
17. Fruit Preserves
18. Watermelon Preserves
19. Tomato Preserves
20. Fruit Preserves, Any Other
21. Miscellaneous Jam, Jelly,
Preserve, Any Other
Class V-J-A
Pickles and Relishes
1. Bread and Butter Pickles
2. Dill Pickles
3. Mustard Pickles
4. Sweet Pickles
5. Sour Pickles
6. Green Tomato Dill Pickles
7. Mixed Pickles, Dill
8. Mixed Pickles, Sweet
9. Beet Pickles
10. Pickles, Any Other
11. Chow Chow, Ripe
12. Chow Chow, Green
13. Corn Relish
14. Sweet Pickle Relish
15. Relish, Any Other
16. Peppers, Any kind
17. Hot Chili Peppers, diced
18. Hot Chili Peppers, whole
Class VI-J-A
1. Apple Juice
2. Cherry Juice
3. Grape Juice
4. Mixed Fruit Juice
5. Tomato Juice
6. V-8 Juice
7. Carrot Juice
8. Mixed Vegetable Juice
9. Juice, Any Other Fruit
10. Juice, Any Other, Vegetable
Class VII-J-A
Miscellaneous Home Products
1. Syrup, any flavor
2. Glazes, any flavor
3. Vinegar, any kind
4. Comb Honey
5. Extracted Honey
6. Butter, Homemade, ¼ pound
7. American Cheese
8. Cheddar Cheese
9. Soup, Potato
10. Soup, Tomato
11. Soup, Vegetable
12. Soup, Vegetable Beef
13. Soup, Chicken Noodle
14. Soup, Any Other
15. Spaghetti Sauce
16. Tomato Sauce
17. Tomato Paste
18. Pizza Sauce
19. Salsa
20. Hot Sauce
21. Black Bean/Corn Salsa
22. Fruit Salsa
23. Salsa, Any Other
24. Homemade vinegar, any flavor
25. Soap, one-half pound
Special Rules:
1. Only one entry per person, per lot.
2. Please use all the rules in the corresponding Departments of the Adult Home Economics.
3. Age must be written on entry form and all tags.
4. Use the Adult section for Class and Lot numbers and rules for Canning and Preserving for Junior Dept.
PREMIUMS (Junior Division)
Blue Ribbon $3.00
Red Ribbon $2.00
White Ribbon $1.00
Best of Show Junior Division – $15.00
Class I-K
1. Cotton or Cotton Blend Dress, long sleeve
2. Cotton or Cotton Blend Dress, short sleeve
3. Knit Fabric Dress, long sleeve
4. Knit Fabric Dress, short sleeve
5. Child’s Dress, cotton or blend,
long sleeve or short sleeve
6. Child’s Dress, knit fabric, long
sleeve or short sleeve
7. Western style dress, any fabric
8. Party Dress, any fabric
9. Tailored Dress, lined
10. Tailored Dress, unlined
11. Skirt, cotton blend
12. Skirt, knit fabric
13. Skirt, any other fabric
14. Blouse, cotton blend
15. Blouse, knit fabric
16. Blouse, any other fabric
17. T-Shirt with ribbing
18. Shorts, cotton blend
19. Shorts, knit fabric
20. Shorts, any other fabric
21. Pants, cotton or blend
22. Pants, knit fabric
23. Pants, any other fabric
24. Skirt & Blouse Set
25. Pant & Blouse Set
26. 3 Piece Coordinated Set
27. Any sportswear article made
by person over 12 years
28. Any sportswear article made
by child under 12 years
29. Any article not listed made by
person over 12 years
30. Any article not listed made by child under 12 years
Class II-K
1. Crocheting, Wearing Apparel
2. Crocheting, Household
3. Crocheting, Household
Accessory, by child
under 12 years
4. Knitting, Wearing Apparel
5. Knitting, Household Accessory
6. Knitting, Household Accessory,
by child under 12 years
7. Embroidered, any item
8. Cross Stitch, any item
9. Crewel Embroidery, any item
10. Needlepoint, any item
11. Any other household
12. Pillow, machine stitched
13. Pillow, hand stitched
14. Pillow, embroidery
15. Pillow, knitted
16. Pillow, any other
17. Stuffed toy, if machine sewed,
hand sewed, embroidered or
18. Any other wearing apparel,
not listed above
19. Gift Toweling
20. Any other article made by
child under 12 years, not
listed above
21. Whole cloth TV Size
Quilt – Tied
22. Whole cloth TV Size
Quilt – Quilted
23. Pieced Quilt – Tied
24. Pieced Quilt – Quilted
25. Baby Quilt – Whole
cloth – Tied
26. Baby Quilt –
Whole cloth – Quilted
Class III-K
Baked Foods
(No Boxed Mixes)
1. White Bread, one loaf
2. White/Wheat Blend Bread,
one loaf
3. 100% Whole Wheat Bread,
one loaf
4. Artisan Bread, one loaf
5. French Bread, one loaf
6. Yeast Bread, any other
7. White Dinner Rolls,
plate of five
8. Wheat Dinner Rolls,
plate of five
9. Fancy Shape Dinner Rolls,
plate of five
10. Yeast Rolls, any other,
plate of five
11. Cinnamon Rolls, plate of five
12. Caramel/Nut Rolls,
plate of five
13. Roll, any other, plate of five
14. Banana Nut Bread
15. Pumpkin Bread
16. Zucchini Bread
17. Fruited Quick Bread
18. Quick Bread, any other
19. Cornbread, plate of five
20. Mexican Cornbread,
plate of five
21. Muffins, Fruited, plate of five
22. Muffins, any other,
plate of five
23. Baking Powder Biscuits,
plate of five
24. Baking Powder Biscuits,
herb/cheese, etc, plate of five
25. Doughnuts, raised,
plate of five
26. Doughnuts, cake, plate of five
27. Sopas (fry bread), plate of five
28. Tortillas, Corn, plate of five
29. Tortillas, Flour, plate of five
30. Coffee Cake
31. Coffee Cake, Fancy
32. Christmas Bread
Class IV-K
(No Boxed Mixes)
(Cakes must be iced – not judged on icing)
1. Angel Food Cake
2. Chocolate Cake
3. Devils Food Cake
4. White Cake
5. Spice Cake
6. Apple/Applesauce Cake
7. Cupcakes, plate of five
8. Sponge Cake
9. Chiffon Cake
10. Cake Roll, plate of five slices
11. Cake, any other
12. Fancy Decorated Cake (judged on decoration only)
Class V-K
1. Oatmeal Cookies, plate of five
2. Chocolate Chip Cookies,
plate of five
3. Peanut Butter Cookies,
plate of five
4. Sugar Cookies, plate of five
5. Missouri (No bake cookies),
plate of five
6. Fruit Cookies, plate of five
7. Fancy Cookies, plate of five
8. Brownies, plate of five
9. Caramel Brownies, plate of five
10. Cookies, any other,
plate of five
Class VI-K
(No Cream Pies)
1. Apple Pie
2. Cherry Pie
3. Peach or Apricot Pie
4. Berry Pie
5. Tarts, Fruit
6. Peach Cobbler
7. Cherry Cobbler
8. Berry Cobbler
9. Pie, any other
10. Cobbler, any other
Class VII-K
1. Taffy
2. Divinity
3. Fudge, Marshmallow Crème
4. Fudge, other
5. Caramels
6. Toffee
7. Chocolate dipped
8. Mints
9. Candy, any other
Special Rules:
1. Poultry and rabbit entries only admitted on Wednesday from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. No early entries will be accepted.
2. Exhibitors under 18 years must write “junior” on entry sheet and tags.
3. No exhibit may be removed before 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, or ribbons and prize money will be forfeited.
4. All exhibits must be removed by 7:00 p.m. on Saturday.
5. If the exhibitor is too young or needs help handling the animals for check-in, an adult will need to accompany them for registration.
6. Entries are one animal per ownership, per lot.
7. All animals must be entered through the Secretary. Do not put animals in cages without fair personnel in attendance.
8. Exhibitors are responsible to feed and water their animals during the fair.
9. If three or more animals are entered from one breed a new class/lot will be formed for those animals.
Premiums (Adult Division):
Blue Ribbon $15.00, Red Ribbon $10.00, White Ribbon $7.00
Premiums (Junior Division): Blue Ribbon $10.00, Red Ribbon $7.00, White Ribbon $5.00
Best of Show Junior Division – $15.00
Best of Show Adult Division – $15.00
Class I-L
Feather Footed Bantams
1. Cock, one year or older
2. Cock, under one year
3. Hen, one year or older
4. Hen, under one year
5. Trio, one male and two females
over one year
6. Trio, one male and two females
under one year
Clean Legged Bantams
7. Cock, one year or older
8. Cock, under one year
9. Hen, one year or older
10. Hen, under one year
11. Trio, one male and two
females over one year
12. Trio, one male and two
females under one year
Heavy Breeds
(RI Reds, Sex link, Bard Rock, etc.)
13. Cock, one year or older
14. Cock, under one year
15. Hen, one year or older
16. Hen, under one year
17. Trio one male and two
females, over one year
18. Trio, one male and two
females under one year
Egg Layers
(Leghorn, Araucana, etc.)
19. Cock, one year or older
20. Cock, under one year
21. Hen, one year or older
22. Hen, under one year
23. Trio, one male and two females over one year
24. Trio, one male and two females under one year
Full Size Ornamental
(Polish, Cochin, etc.)
25. Cock, one year or older
26. Cock, under one year
27. Hen, one year or older
28. Hen, under one year
29. Trio, one male and two females over one year
30. Trio, one male and two females under one year
Class II-L
1. Eggs, Brown, One Dozen
2. Eggs, White, One Dozen
3. Eggs, Colored (Blue, Green) One Dozen
Class III-L
1. Tom, over one year
2. Hen, over one year
3. Tom, under one year
4. Hen, under one year
Class IV-L
1. Drake, over one year
2. Hen, over one year
3. Drake, under one year
4. Hen, under one year
Class V-L
1. Gander, over one year
2. Goose, over one year
3. Gander, under one year
4. Goose, under one year
Class VI-L
1. Pair, over one year
2. Pair, under one year
Class VII-L
Miscellaneous Fowl
1. Guinea, one pair
2. Pheasant, one pair
3. Any other Fowl or bird, single or pair
Class VIII-L
(Rabbits will be separated by type)
1. Senior Buck, over 8 months
2. Senior Doe, over 8 months
3. Buck, 6-8 months
4. Doe, 6-8 months
5. Junior Buck, under 6 months
6. Junior Doe, under 6 months
Class IX-L
Miscellaneous Furred Animal
- Any other furred animal
Special Rules:
1. Registration at 8:30 a.m. Saturday at the Old Fair Office by the food booth restrooms.
2. Judging follows at 9:00 a.m.
3. Dogs must be on a leash and under control at all times.
4. All dogs, regardless of breeding, eligible.
5. Exhibitors must be age 15 or under.
6. The Department Chair may choose to award other prizes in addition to premium money.
Blue Ribbon $3.00, Red Ribbon $2.00, White Ribbon $1.00
1. Most Spots
2. Littlest Under a year
3. Littlest Over a year
4. Longest Ears
5. Worst Groomed
6. Best Trained
7. Biggest Paws
8. Shaggiest
9. Best Dressed
10. Wiggliest
11. Prettiest
12. Grand Champion –
Rosette Only
Special Rules:
Use your imagination! Be creative. Entries may not be entered in any other class.
Blue Ribbon $5.00, Red Ribbon $4.00, White Ribbon $3.00, Special $4.00.
Class I-O
Pumpkin Contest
1. Best Variety of Pumpkins- Minimum of three (3). Pumpkins must be grown by exhibitor in Apache County.
2. Best Decorated Pumpkin- Will be judged on originality and overall appearance.
3. Most Creative use of Pumpkin- may be whole, cooked, fresh, baked, used as ornament or decoration.
4. Heaviest Pumpkin- Will be weighed on an Apache County Fair scale.
Class II-O
School Scarecrow Contest
Class III-O
Scarecrow Contest
Special Rules:
1. Entries may by submitted by class, school or individual.
2. Scarecrow height is 4-5 feet (without the stake), width 2-4 feet.
3. Scarecrows will be placed in 5 gallon buckets of sand.
4. Scarecrows must be firmly attached to a stake.
1. Traditional –Farm or garden scarecrow made of straw, etc.
2. Non-Traditional- made of paper mache, plastic, tubing, etc.
3. Characters- Celebrity look-a-likes, etc.
4. Era in time-i.e. past, present, and future.
5. Cartoon character- any existing cartoon, create your own.
Class IV-O
Most Creative Use of Duct Tape Contest
Special Rules:
Use your imagination! Be creative. “Space limited”. Entries must be made up of 95% Duct Tape. Entries may not be entered in any other class.
1. Age 10 and under
2. Age 11 to 18
3. Age 19 and over
Class V-O
Trash to Treasure
Special Rules:
“Let’s Go Green”. Unique handmade items made from materials you would normally throw away. Any Recyclable Item.
1. Rubber
2. Plastic
3. Metal, Aluminum
4. Glass
5. Wood
6. Paper, Cardboard
7. Any other recyclable item
Class VI-O
Bootyfull Boots
Special Rules:
Boot decorating Contest. Decorate a western boot for this division. Your creativity is the limit. Awards will be determined by fairgoers’ votes.
1. Age 10 and under
2. Age 11 to 18
3. Age 19 and over
Class VII-O
Ugliest Cake Contest
Special Rules:
1. All cakes must be UGLY! No pretty or average looking cakes.
2. Cakes can be from your own recipe or package mix. Please no whipped cream frosting, and you can have as many layers as you wish.
3. The entire cake and decorations must all be edible. Cakes with non-edible decorations or foreign objects will be DISQUALIFIED!
4. Only (1) one entry allowed per person.
5. Cakes must be on disposable containers such as a cardboard or cake round. Only whole cakes will be accepted.
1. Age 10 and under
2. Age 11 to 18
3. Age 19 and over